TAHURA mango drink

“TAHURA “ this name is generated from word "شراب طہورا" This word is use in Quran which mean Pak Mashroob , pakezgi , thick basic concept is to we will made a drink which made from Halal ingredients. We use real pulp for thinking of juice and other secretes ingredients which made it unique. You will enjoy real Chaunsa taste. Its special made with care and take necessary action which create its uniqueness from others. Once you drink its you will go deep in mango taste. Now enjoy “TAHURA mango drink.

tahura 250ml

This is special designed for travels and children packing, you enjoy in small quantity for low thrust and changing mouth taste. The quantity of 250ml is sufficient for children. The price of small piece is lighter on pocket. We offer 250ml packing for shopkeeper in 24 piece each carton.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

tahura 500ml

This is special designed for travels and young person packing, you enjoy in Average quantity for low thrust and changing mouth taste. The quantity of 500ml is sufficient for enjoy in party and removing thrust. You enjoy it more than two times with carrying bottle in bag/hand. We offer 500ml packing for shopkeeper in 12 piece each carton.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Tahura 1liter

This is special designed for Family pack, you enjoy it with you family, we recommend it 4 to 5 glass of mango drink serving in 1liter. Its become affordable for you to enjoy in low price as compare to 250ml/500ml packing size. After opening of cap it will be use with in 4 days with the help of refrigerator. We offer 1000ml packing for shopkeeper in 12 piece each carton

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

tahura 2liter

This is special designed for Family pack, you enjoy it with you family, we recommend it 8 to 10 glass of mango drink serving in 2liter. Its become affordable for you to enjoy in low price as compare to 250ml/500ml packing size. After opening of cap it will be use with in 4 days with the help of refrigerator. We offer 2000ml packing for shopkeeper in 6 piece each carton.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

tahura 5liter

This is special designed for Family pack, you enjoy it with you family, we recommend it 18 to 20 glass of mango drink serving in 5liter. Its become affordable for you to enjoy in low price as compare to 250ml/500ml packing size. After opening of cap it will be use with in 4 days with the help of refrigerator. We offer 5000ml packing for shopkeeper in 2 piece each carton.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory


tahura annar

Kristine is the best – I've been regularly seeing her for 2 years now and I've been able to seriously improve my cystic acne. She's professional and knows what she's doing.

tahura pure water

I initially got referred to Kristine by my doctor, since I suffer from a psoriasis that's been difficult to manage with medication alone. Thanks to Kristine's know-how, we've been able to keep the flair-ups down for a year now.

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